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Difficulty Beginner
Best Season Suitable throughout the year

Pizza!  Every Italians' favorite.  This pizza recipe dates back to ancient times when flat bread was served in Naples as a humble street food. The dough, made with flour, water, yeast, seas salt, and sometimes a drizzle of olive oil, is a classic Neapolitan recipe.

The process involves mixing, then kneading the dough, followed by a resting period allowing the dough to double in size. Neapolitan pizza is baked in a wood-fired brick oven topped with mozzarella, tomato sauce. Basil is torn and added once out of the oven

Although there are many toppings, the most popular is the Pizza Margherita named after Naples' queen.

  • 1 kilogram of flour
  • 650 milliliters water
  • 25 grams yeast
  • 6 spoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  1. Preparation

    Put the flour in a bowl and make a hole. In another small bowl, pour a glass of lukewarm water and crumble the yeast and the sugar. Mix and pour in the hole.

    Separately melt 20 gr of salt in another glass of lukewarm water, add the oil and pour in the hole with the flour.

    Keep the rest of flour and water aside and add it in slowly if necessary to get the desired consistency.

  2. Knead the dough until it is smooth and soft, and form a ball that you will place in a spacious bowl previously sprinkled with flour.

    Put the bowl in a warm place (like the switched-off oven) covered with a cloth, for about 1 or 2 hours. When doubled, roll the dough up and season with tomato sauce, mozzarella and any other ingredients you wish.

    Cook on the max temperature in your oven until ready.

  3. To make delicious schiaccia con l'uva (Tuscan grape focaccia)

    Season with cleaned grapes, sugar and a generous quantity of red wine, cover with an other piece of dough and season again.

Keywords: pizza, tuscan,