Pasta Fresca
Every Italian Mamma knows how to make fresh handmade pasta and this recipe is no exception. Using fresh country eggs and organic ingredients, this recipe takes no time and is simple to make.
Serves 2-3 persons.

How to make fresh pasta!
Put the flour onto a flat surface and make a large hole in the middle, pour the eggs. Start mix- ing with a fork or with your fingers including little quantities of flour from the edge into the eggs and keep mixing.
Knead the dough until it becomes soft and elastic. Add a little more flour if it is too wet and sticky, or warm water if it is too dry.
This dough is ideal to make different types of pasta: tagliatelle, pappardelle, maltagliati, ravioli, lasagne.
Stir the dough with a rolling-pin or with a pasta machine more times, each time getting a thinner sheet of pasta. Add flour on each “sheet” only on the underside to avoid that the shape sticks to the surface. When you got enough sheets, spread them on the surface and align little balls of filling along your shape. Now fold one part of the pasta sheet on the part with the balls and press around to eliminate air bubbles.
Cut the pasta in squares. It’s nice to use a particular round blade to shape the edges in the typical ravioli shape (with “waves”) or just use a knife to give our ravioli a more hand-made look. Sprinkle some flour on a dish and lay the ravioli down covering with a cloth.